Welcome to Flower Power Gardening

An Edmonton, Alberta gardening company

(780) 243 3180


A fresh take on gardening

At Flower Power Gardening Company, we embrace a modern approach to gardening: balancing the art and science of garden care. We are dedicated to helping our clients create beautiful and sustainable gardens that reflect their unique personalities and preferences. Through our experience and knowledge of horticulture, we help create and maintain gardens that allow our clients to enjoy their beauty and benefits, as well as have a positive impact on the surrounding ecosystems.  

Our services

An Edmonton, Alberta based gardening company

Picture of downtown Edmonton, Alberta at dusk. In the foreground there is the Walterdale bridge, in the background there are skyscrappers with the lights on.
A photo of the Edmonton River Valley in fall
A picture of the owner of Flower Power Gardening Company. She is wearing a blue sweater & smiling, with hills & a sunset behind her.

* Downtown Edmonton

* Edmonton River valley

Flower Power

Flower Power